Magic of Microfibre Cleaning

Below are the reasons why we use microfiber technology in our cleaning.

Its winter! This means you may be cooking more, resulting in more greasy mess in the kitchen. Or you may be heating your home more, resulting in more dust and dirt settling on all your surfaces. Either way, now more than ever surfaces will need more attention.

Microfiber cloths are the fastest, most effective way of cleaning without harsh chemicals. This is due to the almost magic microscopic fibres. They have been specially engineered to sweep up even the tiniest specks of dirt and germs and trap them deep within their fibres. Just a small list of what you can clean with a microfiber cloth:

wiping stainless steel
dusting furniture
wiping counters and bench tops
cleaning mirrors and glass
as a dishcloth
cleaning the shower
remove stains/
This is by no means an exhaustive list – you can use a microfiber cloth just about anywhere you would use a regular cloth. Just remember that you do not need to add any detergents, cleansers or degreasers with a microfiber cloth. The best thing about microfiber is it can be machine washed up to hundreds of times. Once you’ve finished, just pop the cloth in the wash separately so it doesn’t get filled with lint particles from other items like towels. Use a lower temperature wash, such 30-40 degrees centigrade, to prolong the life of the cloth and skip the fabric softener.

Contact Lifestyle Cleaning Services for more information on 1300 302 187.